Who are we?
We are the Christian Fellowship of SMK Subang Utama.
We're just a bunch of students who love coming together to worship the Lord, fellowship with one other, make new friends and have loads of fun! =)
So come join us & bring your friends along too!
To all who showed up for EASTER RALLY today!!
We hope that you had an AWESOME time of Praise and Worship, Fellowship, Food, Performances and most of all partaking in the MESSAGE today by Ps. Vic Gonzalez!
Remember, it may have been Abel's blood from the ground that cried
but it was Jesus' blood from that cross that cried
Exams are just around the corner!
Remember to study hard so that you can glorify the Lord with the best results you can achieve! Let Go and Let God :)
Looking forward to Camp?
We know we are (:
Yes we know that there are some Malaysians out there who don't think much for deadlines. For those who planned to submit your forms on Friday (which is tomorrow), we regret to inform you that all forms submitted on that day will be rejected. We already announced the deadline was 25th of April, and even extended it a couple of days for the late stragglers.
Good thing is, now that Camp Registration is OFFICIALLY closed, the committee can start planning out much more for the campers so get yourself ready!
So come and bring your friends along to celebrate this AWESOME event!
Hey CF-ers!
It's GOOD FRIDAY and this is a really awesome day in our calendar (even more than Christmas) 'coz it's the day that our wonderful Lord Jesus Christ died on that cross for us, thus washing away our sins!
If you attended CF today, we played the last 30 minutes of the Passion of Christ, and for those who attended, we hope that it wasn't just a temporary *sob sob* thing and that truly, you have been touched by what you have seen. Truly, there might be no one in these modern times that could even begin to imagine the pain that Jesus went through, carrying all the sins of the world upon his shoulders. But he did that because he LOVED US. So the only thing that's right is to give him back all that we are and all that we have.
Easter is this Sunday, and we just want to wish everybody a very Happy Easter! Rejoice in the knowledge that our Lord Jesus Christ has defeated death and risen to life!
Don't forget, Easter Rally is on the 30th of April (Saturday)! Bring yourself, your friends, and your friends' friends along!! :)
And also, CF CAMP!!! Deadline is already THIS MONDAY!! So those who are still teetering on the Yes-No side, pull yourself up to 'YES', and submit your forms and registration money by this MONDAY. You'll be in for a BLAST!! :D
May God bless you and protect you,
Hey CF-ers!!!
A VERY important and HUGE event is coming up this year and it's.....
Our theme for this year is:
Are YOU the Change? Are you making a Change? Are you ready for Change?? (Yeah we could go on and on like this)
ANYWAYS, before Rally itself is even commenced we need to get lots of things done, and one of them happens to be the T-SHIRT DESIGN!!
So CF is inviting its members to design a T-shirt (or flyer/badge) for Subang Rally 2011!! The info you need to include on the shirt is of course, the THEME (CHANGE) and the Bible Verse as optional (Romans 12:2)
So if you're interested, PLEASE submit your designs by Friday (22nd April) and email them to subangrally@gmail.com!
For all you know, YOUR design could be the one being worn by HUNDREDS of people on RALLY DAY itself!!!
*Oh and one more thing: HAVE YOU SIGNED UP FOR CF CAMP 2011 YETT???
and our THEME for this year is. . .

Look forward to:
- Mind-blowing Sessions from an Invited Speaker!!
- Wild and Exciting Games throughout the camp!!
- Amazing scenery to be enjoyed around the campsite!!
- Widening your circle of friends through meeting new people!!CAMP DETAILS:Date: 6 - 9 June (4D 3N) 2nd Week June Holidays!!Venue: El Sanctuary, Alor Gajah, Melaka (www.elsanctuary.com)Fees: RM190 (Inclusive of Transport, Accommodations and Food)The REGISTRATION FORM can be printed here too!!
(Click image to enlarge)
All camp forms are to be submitted to any CF Committee members or Mr. Jacob!!
So what are you waiting for?
Grab a form and sign up now!!
Please be aware that the campers will be divided between CHALETS and DORMS. 7 people to 1 chalet (complete with kitchen, living area and balcony) and the last 40 people in dorms. So SIGN UP FAST if you want a chalet!! :D
And feel free to drop a question regarding the camp in the cbox or through our Facebook Event page:
*PLEASE TAKE NOTE THAT CAMPERS WILL BE DIVIDED BETWEEN CHALETS AND DORMS. This is because there is limited space available in the dorms (4 dorms, 10 people per dorm)
Pictures of the Campsite and past camp(s) are in the side-bar :)
R. U. Coming this Friday for
If you are, CONGRATS,
and if you aren't, BOOHOO, sign up fast!
Don't forget:
Genesis 15-19
Acts 1-9
(Good News Bible)
Once again, for all those who do not have the GNB version or the study material, you may download it from the sidebar as a docx format file.
Another event is coming up...
A HUGE event...
ATTENTION to all those who have signed up for Postal Quiz 2011!!!
First of all, thank you so much for willing to sign up for the quiz and putting yourselves into reading the Word of God! We are currently standing at approximately 110 participants, HOWEVER, registration does not end yet! You can still sign up this Friday during CF as well!
In reference to the title above, we will be having a Mock Test this Friday in preparation for the actual quiz the week after! This means that it will be sort of like an 'open' quiz, where you will all sit in groups and you are allowed to refer to your Bibles. Participants will be asked an array of Objective and Subjective questions, and your job is to show those answers up on a piece of A4 paper provided ASAP!
So come for CF this Friday to get a good idea of what Postal Quiz is going to be like and also come to know the Word of God more! See you there! :)
Subang Rally is BACK this year!!!
Worship Auditions will be held on the
10th April (Sunday)
2pm - 5pm
First Baptist Church, Jalan SS17/1D!!!
CF SMKSU encourages its CF members to take this awesome opportunity to SERVE THE LORD through WORSHIP TEAM this year!
Terms and Conditions :
If interested, please inform your school's CF president before hand. DO NOT come without REGISTERING YOUR NAME with your president, otherwise IMMEDIATE DISQUALIFICATION will ensue.
Auditions are only open to those who attend CF in their RESPECTIVE SCHOOLS.
Musicians can bring their own instruments, chords and song sheets.
(Vocalist MUST memorize the lyrics for all 3 songs. No song sheets allowed during audition for vocalist)
- Judges decision is final.
- Guitarist please bring your own cables.
- Wear proper attire. No shorts and slippers.
For more info, please do not hesitate to visit
- www.subangrally.blogspot.com - !!