Who are we?

We are the Christian Fellowship of SMK Subang Utama.
We're just a bunch of students who love coming together to worship the Lord, fellowship with one other, make new friends and have loads of fun! =)
So come join us & bring your friends along too!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Welcome back!

Welcome back to SU, CF-ers! We're entering EXAM SEASON as the SPMers go into their trials and the PMRers do heavy preparation for PMR.

In the mean time our Form 3 and 4 Revo-ers started off school by giving dates (the fruit ;) and special messages to all our beloved teachers around school. Sometimes we students are so busy complaining about our workload and studyload that we tend to forget the teachers in the background, not to mention take them for granted by not obeying deadlines or passing up homework on time.

CF goes on AS USUAL this Friday, with the exception of the Friday after that, which is a public holiday due to Malaysia Day.

Have fun and God bless!


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