Who are we?

We are the Christian Fellowship of SMK Subang Utama.
We're just a bunch of students who love coming together to worship the Lord, fellowship with one other, make new friends and have loads of fun! =)
So come join us & bring your friends along too!

Monday, August 18, 2008


Again, it's holidays!!! Yep yep, this time around, please use it wisely people, every single minute in a holiday counts, it's very important!!! Especially to those that are facing major exams like PMR and SPM, take this time to study!

Anyway, let's not forget about God during this time too. Though we can't meet up for prayer meeting at this period of time (Sad right? T.T) please continue to pray for the nation! As the 40 days Prayer and Fast go on, keep Malaysia in your prayers everyday! To those that are fasting, great! Keep it up, but do remember to pray when you fast, if not it would only be like a diet. Also, echoing what Mr.Jacob always says, please get a book to read, a Christian book, to read and be inspired!

Besides, you can also join some camps, seminars or even a conference! Yep, Revolution Conference is happening this Thursday till Saturday. Note: I am not trying to promote church or what so ever, but I believe that this is GOOD stuff that I had to share with you people. Revolution doesn't belong to specific or certain churches, I believe ALL Christians should MOVE it. Those that attended "Passion", "Planet Shakers" or even "Hillsong" conferences, great! BUT, those are not HOME GROWN. Why do we need people OUTSIDE to start the change in us, shouldn't we respond to the call that is started by US Malaysians?

Thursday: 8pm Night Concert
Friday: 9pm-4pm REVO Academy
8pm Night Concert
Saturday: 9pm-4pm REVO Academy
6:45pm Night Concert

Admission is only RM20. Night concert are free,( still please try to make it for all the sessions, the RM20 is gonna last you life-long) venue is in ACTS Church in Summit! To register, check out the previous blog post by CT. It's not just about concert, be inspired by the Word of God as well!

Other than that, The Editorial Board is going to publish a newsletter at the end of this year! *YAY* So, we would need some help. If possible, try to look out for christian articles which you think it's inpiring and want to share, or you can write out your own testimony! So please, prepare the draft and send it over to cfsmksu@gmail.com! The newsletter is for YOU, so please, contribute in whatever way possible! =D

Subang Rally Picture CD is in the process of completion. Sorry for the wait, it's hard to select the best! So please, bear with us! :)

SEE YOU AT THE POLE 2008 IS COMING UP!!!!!!! Yes! We are going to meet up on Merdeka Day to pray for this nation and celebrate it's birthday! I hear that the planning committee is squeezing their brain juices to prepare for this, so when they need help, please RESPOND to it!!! Serve, serve, serve!!!!

Lastly, ENJOY your holidays and use it wisely! Also, don't forget to keep up with this blog, we wanna make it the most happening CF blog you can ever find in Malaysia! ;)

Darren SOH.

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