Who are we?

We are the Christian Fellowship of SMK Subang Utama.
We're just a bunch of students who love coming together to worship the Lord, fellowship with one other, make new friends and have loads of fun! =)
So come join us & bring your friends along too!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

SYATP 2008


This is an event which we have every year to celebrate our National Day and it is organised by the Christian Fellowship of SMK Subang Utama :)

Please come and let's pray together for our BELOVED country!!


P/S: Message took from ju yinn

P/SS: Please join the 'SYATP 2008' group on friendster. Thank you.
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Grounds Team Looking for People Please Contact Benjamin at bgzm_hi@hotmail.com
Ushers Team Looking for People Please Contact Ken Jiu at yong_k_j@hotmail.com/0175059729 =) People are needed =)
Kenz =)

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